Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fear of the unknown.

In the constant roller coaster of ups and downs I've been feeling prior to my departure I keep coming back to a few moments of serious fear and anxiety.  My general overall feelings about leaving are amazing and positive and overall I just can't wait to get to Thailand and start this new adventure.  Then there's little moments of realizing how long I'll be gone, how much I'll miss, and what it will truly be like to be away from friends and family and everything familiar.  I take solace in the fact that technology is advanced enough around the world these days that keeping in contact with everyone and staying updated on current events should be relatively easy.  I should have reliable access to e-mail, internet, facebook, etc., and I'll have a cell phone. I've had a few fleeting moments of questioning whether I can really do this. I know every day won't be perfect, I might not accomplish all the amazing things I hope to, and I will have bad days. The next several weeks should be interesting. I know I'm putting a certain glorification on things here now because I'm getting sad to leave, and thinking about all the 'what if's' of staying here instead of leaving for 2 years.  I'm certain that if I wasn't doing this, or if for some reason I decided not to go, that I would eventually regret it....but that doesn't mean that I don't get slightly terrified of moving to Thailand for 2 years, knowing full well that everything (including me) could be different by the time this is over.

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